How To Cook Sticky Rice Like An Asian

Cook Sticky Rice

Sticky rice functions as a dietary cornerstone for Asian cooking. Its traditional names are glutinous rice and sweet rice. People throughout Thailand, Laos, and China commonly prepare sticky rice. 

The sticky consistency of this rice enables it to unite both savory and sweet culinary preparations. Learning how to cook sticky rice presents an initial simple process and also some difficulties in reaching the correct consistency.

The correct technique enables anyone to become proficient at preparing this vital dish. When preparing sticky rice, following fundamental skill is required for a  proper sticky result

This content will guide you through all necessary procedures on how to cook sticky rice. 

Follow this guide and you will learn how to cook sticky rice expertly so that you can make different tasty dishes.

What is Sticky Rice?

The sticky nature of this rice gives it two alternative names which are “ glutinous rice” and “sweet rice”. The higher starch amount of sticky rice includes amylopectin that gives the cooked grains their sticky characteristic.

The sticky texture of the rice gives it its nickname because it works perfectly in sushi rice and various Asian dessert preparations.

Sticky rice appears white to milky before cooking since it displays translucent translucence to the viewer. After cooking, this rice develops a shiny glossy texture suited for eating with hands according to several traditional Asian food customs.

Sticky rice serves as a primary food ingredient in both the East Asian and Southeast Asian culinary traditions. Thai and Laotian cultures use sticky rice as a main food element which people serve during their meals together with meat preparations and curry dishes as well as dessert items such as mango sticky rice.

Sticky rice stands apart from other kinds of rice because it lacks amylose which leads to clusters while cooking. Because of the lack of amylose sticky rice demands specific cooking approaches including steam cooking instead of boiling.

Ingredients and Equipment 

Mastering how to cook sticky rice demands basic ingredients alongside special cooking tools to develop the appropriate texture. 

The essential component for this dish consists of glutinous rice (sticky rice) that Americans can easily purchase at Asian grocery markets. Within the market, both short-grain and long-grain versions of glutinous rice are available while sticky texture remains its key defining feature.

To prepare sticky rice, you require a proper steaming device. An authentic bamboo steam box works best to cook rice but a metal steamer produces similar results. Cooking rice through steaming action within the steamer produces a gentle temperature which supports the preservation of its individual texture. A steel sieve or simple colander positioned above boiling water will work as a substitute for a steam cooker when no steamer is available.

Aside from  the steamer, you must use a bowl as a key piece of equipment for preparing the rice. Soaking the rice at a critical stage provides the necessary water absorption which results in softening before steaming. The steaming process requires a cheesecloth alongside a cloth liner because they help prevent rice pieces from leaking during cooking and aid in maintaining uniform cooking results.

A rice cooker serves as another suitable option for cooking rice but results in texture differences compared to steamed rice. Traditional steaming produces the finest results in comparison to alternative methods such as instant pots and stovetops.

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Preparing Sticky Rice 

Proper preparation of sticky rice plays an essential role in achieving the texture of both stickiness and tenderness in the final product. To achieve proper texture, sticky rice needs to undergo soaking before its cooking phase. A proper sticky outcome begins with generating clear water from the rice after multiple water rinses. 

Rinsing in water until it remains clear is necessary to achieve proper results. Soaking the rice accomplishes two goals: it develops better texture while stopping it from turning into a gummy mass.

Move the washed rice into a large bowl where you should add chilly water. Soak the rice for at least four hours while overnight soaking yields the optimal outcomes. Soaking rice exposes it to water which allows the grains to absorb an optimal amount of water allowing proper cooking and enhanced stickiness in the final dish. Soaking the rice for thirty minutes yields acceptable results yet doing it overnight produces perfect results.

The rice requires complete water drainage before proceeding. A cheesecloth should be placed inside the bamboo steamer to stop the rice from escaping through the openings. Using the cheesecloth enables better moisture retention during the steaming period. 

Place the soaked rice evenly in the steamer basin. Place the lid or cloth on top of the steamer after it is covered and steam rice for 30 to 45 minutes based on the amount and the steaming equipment you have selected.

Cooking Methods for Sticky Rice 

The selection of cooking techniques for sticky rice will determine how the rice ends up in terms of texture. The methods used for cooking sticky rice affect both authentic results and convenience levels. 

Traditional Steaming Method 

The traditional steaming method stands as the primary cooking method for sticky rice since Southeast Asia maintains sticky rice as its essential food element. This method require either a bamboo steamer or a metal steamer to prepare sticky rice by steaming methods. Here’s how to cook sticky rice using this method:

Drain the rice from its soaking period completely. A piece of cheesecloth or a cloth liner should cover the steamer basket before use. The wrapped cheesecloth prevents the rice from dropping while creating even cooking conditions. 

Spread a smooth layer of rice throughout the steamer after draining off the soaking water. 

Set a pot of water on the stove to reach boiling temperature. 

Set the steamer basket directly on top of the pot with the rice located above the water level. 

Place the lid or use a damp cloth to cover the steamer. Steam the rice for 30-45 minutes. 

Monitor the rice cooking process then turn it occasionally for balanced heating when needed. The rice becomes properly cooked when it turns glossy with a sticky texture. 

Serving time is immediate with your preferred main course. 

Using a Rice Cooker 

When steaming your sticky rice, a rice cooker can be used unless your goal is to maintain traditional rice texture. The process requires following these instructions.

  • Wash rice according to the steaming process before then rinsing it completely. 
  • Drain the rice well. 
  • Place the soaked rice along with water at similar quantities inside the rice cooker pot. 
  • Adjust water quantity to reach your preferred level of stickiness in the cooked rice. 
  • Set your rice cooker to "steam" mode for preparing white rice then proceed to the cooking stage. The sticky rice function on specific rice cookers can provide assistance during preparation. 
  • Use the fork to lightly separate the cooked rice before presentation for serving. 

The convenience of a rice cooker cannot match the authentic chewy and sticky texture achievable through steaming rice traditionally. The method serves as an acceptable option to prepare sticky rice quickly.

The successful preparation of sticky rice depends mainly on proper water absorption during the soaking phase in both cooking methods. Proper soaking of the rice through a steamer or rice cooker results in superior outcomes.

Tips for Perfect Sticky Rice 

Cook Sticky Rice

The proper cooking of sticky rice demands precise care for obtaining its ideal texture because it should feel soft with chewy consistency and true stickiness. The following guidelines will help you achieve success when cooking sticky rice:

Proper soaking of sticky rice must be done for at least four hours or throughout an entire night period. The proper water absorption through soaking ensures all grains cook evenly which prevents either undercooked or hard rice texture. Sticky rice does not cook through boiling since its uniqueness stems from steam-based preparation instead of water boiling methods. Instead, it steams. 

Too much added water will negatively impact the cooking results in both steamer and rice cooker operations. The outcome of even rice distribution across the steamer will result in uniform cooking. 

Too much clumping across the rice pan will create differences in its cooking completion. During steaming, flip the rice contents once when reaching the middle point of the cooking time. Equal cooking occurs between top and bottom layers of rice because of this step. A lid or damp cloth used over the rice will maintain moisture levels to avoid drying. 

Fresh hot service provides the best quality experience for sticky rice. Exposure to prolonged outside time causes the rice to become hardened while reducing its proper texture quality. 


Varieties of Asian cuisines strongly rely on the delectable sticky rice component as its core element. Learning how to cook sticky rice properly gives you the ability to enhance your meals while using it as an ingredient for both grilled meats and desserts such as mango sticky rice. 

The three vital steps which include washing and then submerging and steaming result in the best possible texture of sticky rice.

The proper preparation combined with correct cooking techniques will allow you to prepare sticky rice that delivers its pleasant chewy texture for your desired meals. Learning to make sticky rice with a steamer or rice cooker requires practice yet the final results are well deserved after effort. Continued practice will help you develop restaurant dining standards for sticky rice cooking within your home kitchen.

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